CRM09 proudly would like to announce our official sponsors for the Mission and we would love to have this opportunity to send our sincere gratitude for their kindness
1. We are proudly to inform you that we will be flying with Airasia and Air Asia has kindly sponsors us with 100kg excess luggage for us to transport all donation materials.
Air Asia, the World's Best Low Cost Airline provides you with the best service for your journey in Asia or even up to London with Air Asia X. Air Asia has now implemet a new offer for it's client where you dont have to pay for Sur Charge fees and Administration fee anymore. You will enjoy a vey low price ticket for your journey. For more info please visit
2. We have received 200 toothpaste from Al-Meswak Mu'min Sdn. Bhd
For your information, Mu'min is a company producing halal toothpaste with variety of taste that will serve your tastebuds and teeth with fresh and awesome sensation. They have Mu'min Kayu Sugi, Mu'min Sensitive, Mu'min Pudina, Mu'min Whitening & Mu'min Junior for kids. Please vivit to get more info.
3. Besides, we also received medical supply and Cash from An- Nur Specialist Hospital
An-Nur Specia Have wide range of medical specialty with new and improvised technology. They have from Anaesthesiology and Cardiovascular Medicine to Family Medicine and lots more specialties. For more information please visit
4. Apart from that, we have also recieved Muqaddam Sponsor from Syarikat Jaafar Rawas Sdn. Bhd.
Syarikat Jaafar Rawas is a muli business company, providing books, Medicine, Clothing line, and Sewing shop. They also provide online shopping where you can shop straight from your house. Fell free to visit them at You may find shopping is easy with Jaafar Rawas.
5. A Halal shop based in United Kingdom, KHYBER PASS KEBAB HALAL SHOP had kindly sponsored us with GBP500. It is a very huge amount for us and we will used them wisely to help the needy.
6. Apart from that, CONSORTIUM GALLERY SYABAB has agreed to sponsor Cambodia Relief Mission with 200 Al-Quran to be brought to Cambodia. It is ver hard to get a copy of Al-Quran in Cambodia, therefore, The effort of the company is very much welcomed.
We also would like to grab this chance to thank all of you who have been donating through our fundraising programm or through our bank account. We still accept any sponsorship from any individu, company or organisation that wish to sponsor our mission. Please contact us.